Monday, March 12, 2007

A new publisher is in the mix

Tina McElroy Ansa announced Friday that she is starting a publishing company, DownSouth Press.

The full release is on her web site:

She had this to say in a GalleyCat item -

"I am not a self-publisher. We are a small press."

I've had this idea for founding this independent small press for a
number of years," Ansa continues. "It is in reaction not only to my own
experience in mainstream publishing (I've been published by three of the large
publishing houses), but also what I know other authors of color have run up
against—many writers of quality serious and contemporary fiction are being
passed over and being told that there is no longer a market for their
work." In her speech last week, Ansa described her plan to operate as "the kind
of involved, smart publisher I dreamed of and the type that every serious writer
deserves for his or her work." After publishing her own novel, "each of our
lists will feature a new book by a well-known, established author and at
least one debut work by a new voice in American literature... We plan to publish
the books that will be classics in years to come."

Ansa also directs writers retreats - I've been to two of them - and the next one is April 28 - 29 in Atlanta at Spelman College.

Details on the retreat are available at

1 comment:

Professor Tharps said...

I really like your blog and hope you keep posting.
